Ruslan Baisarov - Richest Russian
Baysarov Ruslan

Childhood and Youth

Ruslan Baysarov was born on August 9, 1968 in the village of Prigorodnoye, which is located in the center of the Chechen republic. Born to Salim and Kasirat, he has several siblings and is a member of the powerful Kharachoi clan.

Early Career

Baysarov began to get seriously involved in entrepreneurship at an early age and moved to Moscow in the beginning of 1990s. He went on to conduct business in a wide variety of industries, from entertainment and construction to development and manufacturing.

Involvement in Oil Companies

From 2001 to 2004, Baisarov served as vice president of the Association of Independent Gasoline Stations, which was later renamed the Moscow Fuel Company. From 2005 to 2007, he served as vice president of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company and then as first vice-president of the company from 2007 to 2010. The company manages the OJSC Moscow Oil Refinery in Kapotnya, OJSC Mosnefteprodukt, and OJSC Moscow Fuel Company, which is a network of more than 160 gas stations in Moscow.

A talented entrepreneur, Baisarov promoted electronic programs for calculating gasoline consumption, which is used by fuel companies, government ministries, science academies, and other organizations.

Tuva Energy Industrial CorporationIn April 2013, Baisarov, as owner and CEO of the Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation, purchased a license to develop the Elegestskoye coal field and announced his intention to complete the construction of the Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line. The project also includes the construction of a seaport in Vanino in Russian Far Eas. The initiative is expected to generate thousands of new jobs and to serve as an impetus for the socio-economic development not only of Tuva region, but also of Krasnoyarsk region and the Far Eastern Federal District.

In an effort to preserve any historical artifacts that may be found in the excavations being conducted for the rail line, Baisarov agreed to be a partner in an archeological-geographical expedition and to suspend construction of the line, if necessary.

Most Construction Company

In 2015, Baisarov acquired 25% of the SK Most Group of Companies and by 2016, he gained control of 56% of the company, making him a majority shareholder. The company has been working on a large-scale project to make the Sakhalin Railway part of the Far Eastern Railway system and to convert its track gauge from 1,067 millimeters to the 1,520-millimeter gauge used by the rest of the system. This will allow for some eight million tons of cargo a year to be transported on the railway and will facilitate the transport of coal by rail.

Most has also been working on the second Baikal tunnel, which is the most important project for the modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called this a great project in the development of the country’s transportation system. Upon completion of this section of the railway, capacity will be improved by some 250%.

In January 2019, as part of a larger scale project involving Yamal LNG, Most completed all of the construction planned for the Sabetta Artic Sea port. In March 2019, Most finished a significant part of the work required for the construction of the first rail bridge across the Amur River, which will connect Russia and China.


Ruslan Baysarov has been considered the wealthiest member of the Chechen diaspora. He has not only become personally wealthy, but he also knows how to maintain that wealth. His fortune is considered to be extremely stable, currently estimated at $900 million by Forbes magazine.

Ruslan Baisarov is married and has six children.