Marina Sedykh - Richest Russian
Марина Седых | Marina Sedykh

Marina Sedykh is an award-winning Russian millionaire, businesswoman and the CEO of Irkutsk Oil Company (INK). Forbes magazine has included Sedykh three times in the Top 25 Richest Women in Russia list. In 2017, she was listed in 9th place and in 2018 in 11th place. During this time her wealth was estimated at $350 million. In 2019, she was placed 12th when her fortune was estimated at $320 million.

Early Life and Education

Marina Sedykh was born on 3 May 1960 in Irkutsk, Russia. She graduated in 1993 from Irkutsk State University with a degree in law.

Early Career

At the start of her career, Sedykh served as legal counsel at Shkotovsky district of Primorsky Krai. She then worked in the legal division of Irkutsk Heavy Engineering Plant for around eight years before being appointed as chief legal advisor of the State Unitary Enterprise ‘VostSibNeftegazGeologiya.’ After this role, she changed her professional direction to management in the oil and gas sector.

Irkutsk Oil Company

Since Irkutsk Oil Company (INK) was founded in 2000, Sedykh served as CEO of the company which is known as a pioneer in the development of one of the largest oil-bearing provinces in Russia. Under the leadership of Sedykh, the company achieved a production rate of over 30 times in 2018 with a total volume of nine million tons of oil and gas condensate. Besides her role as CEO at Irkutsk Oil Company, Sedykh owns 10.1% shares in the company, an acquisition made in 2019. She is also a member of the board of directors of the company.

Social Development and Politics

Sedykh is involved in local politics as a member of the United Russia party and is a member of the council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Eastern Siberia. In 2013 she was appointed by the party as deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region where she was involved with budget, finance, pricing, tax and economic legislation. Sedykh held this role until 2018.


Since 2013 Marina Sedykh has provided generous financial backing to Ray of Hope, a charitable organisation in the Nizhneilimsk region that helps children who have developmental issues and disabilities. In 2014 she launched the Marina Sedykh Charity Fund in support of children with disabilities and young entrepreneurs. In June 2015 the fund opened a dance theatre in Irkutsk for disabled children. The fund has also established a range of initiatives that support young entrepreneurs in the Nizhneilimsk region.


In 2014, Marina Sedykh was given the RBC Prize in the category: People. In 2016, she was nominated for the Preservation and Development of National Cultures and Folk Art Prize and was awarded the Patron of the Year award.

Personal Life

Marina Sedykh is married and has a daughter. She is an avid patron of the arts and is particularly fond of impressionism and surrealism. In her spare time, Sedykh enjoys reading fiction which includes psychological detective thrillers and listening to music like Alexander Rybnikov and Andrew Lloyd Webber.