Russian Billionaire Disowns his Kids

Luxury cars, extravagant private yachts and planes, exotic animals and gold-plated guns are only some of the objects featured in the Instagram photo chronicles of what the children of some of the richest Russians get up to. While the spoilt rotten offspring are leading lavish lives in the limelight having outrageous parties and showing off the spoils of designer shopping sprees – the four Fridman children can look forward to a life of: nothing.

No Outrageous Spending for Them

Russian billionaire business magnate Mikhail Fridman has a net worth of around US$13.3 billion according to Forbes. He also has four children aged between 10 and 22, and he plans to cut them out of his will. The businessman claims that his children will have to make their own way in the world, just like he did. In response to a question asked by a member of the audience at the Forbes club Fridman said that he is going to transfer all his money to charity, instead of his children.

oligarch kids instagram

It Will Ruin Their Lives

According to Fridman you risk ruining a young person’s life if you give them vast sums of money. He wants his kids to be like him, and create something by themselves. The tycoon is also worried that his oldest daughter, Laura would become the target of gold-digging young men after her pocket money, instead of her personality. According to Fridman his business partners feel the same way about their children, and will also be giving the charity world unexpected cash injections in years to come.

No Ferraris or Fine Wines

Despite having a father who is known as the second richest Russian in the world, Mikhail Fridman’s children will have to get used to not being part of the elite ‘Richskis’ who spend their days floating around the Caribbean on yachts flaunting their wealth.


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