Bizarre Ruling for Rich Russian Custody Battle

For over four years the Russian oligarch Shalva Chigirinsky and his ex-wife Tatiana Panchenkova have been squabbling over the custody arrangements of their four children. The acrimonious battle between the two bitter Russians has dragged out so long that it has become obvious that it’s more out of a lust for revenge than the wellbeing of the children. The fight has been marred by fierce accusations of child abuse and arrests – putting a lot of undue pressure on the young Chigirinskys.

Judge Says, ‘It’s a scary place’ for the Kids

According to Superior Court Judge Thomas Colin, the warring couple have been so concerned with fighting with one another that they are not taking care of the kids at all. Judge Colin claims that the youngsters are living under a shroud of anger, distrust and hatred. He said that even though the 8-year old twins and two daughters aged 9 and 15 do feature in their parents’ minds – they were clearly not a top priority. Instead, the grown-ups are occupied with winning the court case, and their dislike for one another.

The Nasty Battle Ends

The oil and real estate magnate and his former Mrs were both stunned when they heard the final verdict. Judge Colin gave several standard orders; that the oligarch can see his children on every other weekend and on Wednesday afternoons; Chigirinsky and the daughter he is accused of abusing have to undergo ‘reunification therapy’ while the case is being investigated.

The Connecticut judge also bizarrely ordered that hidden cameras be installed in the oligarch’s home, and that his Russian nanny should be replaced by an English-speaking nanny. He also ordered the parents to bring photos of the children to every court appearance in the future. He specified that he will be expecting two family photos at each hearing. Whether taking family photos under duress will have a positive effect on the family or not remains to be seen – but at least the parents will be forced to pay attention to the kids through this peculiar order.


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