A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words - Richest Russian

Tabloids across the world have a way of turning a simple snap into sensational international news, and Russian tabloids are no different. Focused on celebrity sleaze, these magazines and papers can spin any story or picture way out of context. Here, the Russian sensationalist press got their knickers in a knot over a couple of snaps taken in the US in New York. In the pictures, Chelsea football club owner and super wealthy Russian Roman Abramovich’s long-time partner is giving another man a hug. The man that the beautiful Dasha Zhukova is holding on to in the pictures is no other than Hollywood hero Leonardo diCaprio.

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Naturally, once published the pictures started an avalanche of rumours – one being that Roman Abramovich had no idea where Zhukova was and was under the impression that she was in Russia. This particular titbit has since been dispelled. Rumours of a transcontinental love triangle have also since been deemed as nothing more than tittle-tattle.

Three is a Crowd

Roman Abramovich is the 5th richest man in Russia and the 50th richest person in the world. He has been in the limelight for his fervent involvement with football, his love for art, his beautiful partner and his fortune. In 2014 Abramovich’s net worth was estimated at around US$14.6 billion. In a genuine scandal, the 33-year old Daria Zhukova was the ‘other woman’ for quite a while before the rich Russian divorced his second wife Irina (for other highly covered divorces – see here). Zhukova, the daughter of Russian oligarch Alexander Zhukov was 25 years old at the time. Abramovich went so far as to attempt getting a court injunction to stop a newspaper from printing photographs of his illicit liaison with Zhukova. Despite the media frenzy and the strains of the divorce, the couple continued their relationship and had two children together – Aaron Alexander and Leia.

Even though A-lister DiCaprio recently suffered a break-up from model girlfriend Toni Garrn after dating since around May 2013, it can be safely assumed that his latest love interest is not Daria Zhukova. Many tabloids have confirmed this.

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