What Crisis? - Richest Russian

Falling oil prices and severe sanctions from Europe and the United States has created a massive financial crisis in Russia and the country’s GDP has fallen for the first time in over five years.

As the Russian economy plummets into a devastating state, certain super-rich Russians continue to flaunt their personal wealth. Several pictures of red caviar allegedly uploaded and posted by wealthy Russians are doing the rounds on the World Wide Web. The vividly coloured treat is known as being an extraordinarily expensive luxury throughout the world – only regularly affordable by the very wealthy and ostentatious.

#какойкризис (#whatcrisis)

The hashtag #какойкризис is used on these cheeky images widely dispersed on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Some of the posts even feature cats being fed the pricey delicacy. Translated to English, the tag means #whatcrisis. As usual, many of the super-rich Russians could not care less about being perceived as arrogant by the rest of the world – as long as they can affirm their superiority in some way.

Not All Rich Russians Are That Brazen (or That Rich Anymore)

Although a handful of Russian oligarchs, billionaires and millionaires are still obviously able to splash their cash on extravagant purchases like caviar, many of these wealthy and powerful individuals are struggling to make ends meet these days, whatever the billionaire’s version of ‘making ends meet’ may be. Even if this means simply holding back on luxurious purchases, it has become necessary for them while riding out the financial crisis.

Not Much to Brag About

What the very wealthy Russian Tweeters and Instagrammers are obviously not aware of is that the rest of the world knows that red caviar is not all that grandiose in Russia. Despite its reputation for being unaffordable, red caviar is a lot cheaper in Russia as it is sourced locally from Russia’s east coast.

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