Oligarch’s Daughter Survives Horror Crash - Richest Russian

Brave Nastya Loses Two Fingers

After plunging 60 feet down a cliff in a luxury car in the south of France, Anastasya Kudryashova (known as Nastya Kudry) lost two of her fingers. The 21-year old heiress, who is also a musician in her own right, was driving along a meandering road and took a sharp turn when another vehicle approached her. This sent her car plummeting down a steep ravine at which point she lost consciousness.

After the accident, Nastya was hospitalised where she was between life and death for some time. Doctors assessed the extent of her injuries and had to make the difficult decision of amputating two of her fingers on her right hand – the fingers were crushed in the crash. Despite the seriousness of her accident, Nastya did not want to worry her family, friends and fans and kept the crash under wraps until she could personally call family and friends the following day.

The Shining Star of the Golden Youth

Known as one of Moscow’s ‘golden youth’ set, Nastya Kudry is the daughter of Ural oligarch Igor Kudryashkin who is a self-made billionaire in the mining industry. After her horror crash, Nastya was in remarkable spirits, despite having to deal with phantom pains of her amputated fingers and learning how to deal with not being able to grip things or use her hands in the way she used to.

She even recently started joking about losing her two fingers by saying that it looks as though they were unevenly filed during a manicure. Nastya also said that even though she can no longer play Rachmaninov on the piano, she still has enough fingers to perform her own songs. According to the brave young woman, she is just happy to be alive. In one of Nastya’s new songs exploring the near-death experience she says, ‘…in the moment between life and death, we are all equal.’

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