Artists Conceptually Expressing Rich Russians - Richest Russian

The world has always been fascinated with the Russians – and especially with super-rich Russians. Even superstars like Robbie Williams are so fascinated with the vodka nation that they write songs about the Richskis.

Inspired to Song

After Robbie entertained some of the wealthiest Russians at the oligarch Rashid Sardarov’s daughter’s £8 million wedding, he was inspired to create a new hit song, ‘Party like a Russian’, with lyrics like, ‘I put a bank inside a car inside a plane inside a boat’ – And Robbie is not the only one…

Believe it or not, since the swinging 1970s music artists have been inspired to sing about Russians. Let’s have a look at some of these swanky songs…


Robbie Williams – Party Like a Russian

Robbie’s song features ballerinas/maids dressed in skimpy outfits and a lady with a golden tongue. Robbie plays the oligarch who builds his own space station – just for fun and is, of course, surrounded by the sexy ballerina maids and the golden tongued lady.



Basement Jaxx – Take me Back to Your House

In a slightly different take on how Russians party, Basement Jaxx did a song called, ‘Take me back to your house’ in 2006. It featured a young lady in the middle of Siberia drinking moonshine with a dozen bearded Russians playing balalaikas under portraits of Stalin and Lenin. In true ostentatious Russian style, a chubby militant Russian with a moustache and a tank rushes in to save her.



Sting – Russians

Sting did a more serious song about Russians in 1985 when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power. It is great that Sting decided to write a pacifist song about the Russians, but it came out as a bit of a tearjerker – and it is obvious that he has no idea how Russians party. Maybe Robbie can take him with to Moscow next time.


Boney M – Rasputin

Thank goodness Boney M gave a more cheerful rendition of a song featuring Russia, with their song called Rasputin. It is about the Russian faith healer, Kingmaker and seducer of royalty with lyrics like, ‘Ra ra Rasputin, Russia’s greatest love machine’. The video features Bobby Farrell vigorously doing Russian Hopak dancing and ends with an enigmatic, ‘Oh those Russians’.
Oh those Russians indeed.



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